Chanticleer Reviews
Little Peeps – The CIBA’s
First Place ribbon

I was thrilled to have a first place ribbon awarded to Nutshell Regatta at this year’s Chanticleer Conference in Bellingham, Washington.

I wrote and illustrated Nutshell Regatta in homage to my grandmother, an amazing friend and a fabulous storyteller.

A small pond, nestled below the hill where our house sat, brought mystery and adventure to every summer day.

Nutshell Regatta reviews:

Chanticleer Book Reviews

Redtri – Why Imaginative Play is So Important

Motherhood Moment Interview

Mendo Lake Family Life

Sonoma Family Life

Nutshell Regatta links:

Order your copy of Nutshell Regatta from Hope & Plum Publishing.
ISBN # 9781838030254